Sunday, August 28, 2005

Judy Miller is Still in Jail

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I received a printed card from NY Times reporter Judith Miller thanking me for the letter I sent her in jail. As most of you know by now, she was incarcerated for refusing to reveal her sources to a grand jury about an article she didn't write. Here is the full text of the card:

Thank you for your kind words and expressions of support, and for taking the time to write. I would love to answer you personally, but there is no typewriter in jail and my hand is worn out. I have been overwhelmed and humbled by letters like yours.

Jail is certainly not how I imagined the summer, but it was the only course my conscience would allow. If you want to help, please write your Senators or Members of Congress and urge them to support a Federal shield law for reporters. Thank you again for taking the time to boost my spirits.

Judy Miller
Inmate #45570083
Alexandria Detention Center
2001 Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22314

Thanks to all Beyond You & Me fans and supporters who took the time to write. If you haven't written her yet, please do so. But more importantly, follow her suggestion and write your senators and member of Congress. Ask them to support a "shield law" bill establishing protection for reporters and newspersons so they can't be forced to reveal their sources. That way, if someone gives a reporter senstive information that might get them fired (or worse) if their identity is revealed, the reporter doesn't have to tell anyone.

In an age when it gets harder to find out the truth, and government and big business manage what you learn about, it may be in your best interest.