Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Beyond You & Me site tops 10,000 visitors!

Wow, in less than 3 months, this site has topped 10,000 visitors (with a very respectable 20% re-load rate)! Thanks to everyone, whether first-timers, regulars or even the trolls. Literary agents are waaaay behind the curve on this book, and we're all going to have the last laugh on them.

Thank you to all the many fans who've linked and referred traffic here, you're all great. Thanks also to the referral sites like "Kristen's Links", "Photography" and of course, the ultra-fantastic Jane's Guide. Jane and Vamp have brought over 1/3 of all the visitors!

It's humbling to know that so many of you have enjoyed coming here. Cassie would be very proud and pleased to know her story has found an audience. I'll make sure the real Cassie hears about it!